World Ocean Day at the United-Nations This year in New-York, World Ocean Day was celebrated at the United Nations headquarters. As part of 2019 theme ...
The high seas represent two thirds of the Ocean surface and are one of the world’s major sources of biodiversity. They provide unique resources for ...
Late October 2018, the IPPC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) published a special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels ...
“To limit global warming, we need a healthy ocean” Following the IPPC report of October 2018 and on the occasion of the 10th International Aquarium Congress in Fukushima, ...
World Ocean Network attended the 24th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Katowice, Poland. The World Ocean ...
Congratulations to all the participants of the annual World Ocean Day photo contest! Once again, wonderful pictures were submitted to all categories of the contest, ...
Soon the results of the Fourth edition of the Annual World Ocean Day Photo Contest! Winning images were recognized at the United Nations’ HQ in New ...
As a participant of the 2016 International Aquarium Congress from 25th to 30th September , World Ocean Network will present: The expansion of the Mr.Goodfish program, a participatory ...
The Blue Society European Youth Parliament is a group of informed young people, which was brought together from throughout Europe, to debate and discuss current ...
The World Ocean Network is pleased to announce the winners of our Blue Society Photo Contest This contest aimed to use photography to highlight the ...
Healthy Ocean, Protected Climate #OceanforClimate Support the Ocean call for Climate HELP US TO SPREAD THE WORD Contest #OceanForClimate Post your best photos and videos on ...
World Oceans Day 2015 Celebration 8 June 2015, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France In honour of the United Nations World Oceans Day, celebrated each year on ...
The United Nations will celebrate World Ocean Day 2015 and recognize the winners of the Annual World Ocean Day Oceanic Photo Competition at an event ...
The Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction Program (ABNJ) – often referred to as Common Oceans – is a broad-scale, innovative approach to achieve efficient and sustainable ...
The platfom is an alliance between all stakeholders of civil society and the research community to include the Ocean in solutions relating to climate change ...
For this World Oceans Day, Tara broadcasts a video shot on board, with stunning images of science and nature. Tara Mediterranean expedition, from April to ...
MSC's vision is of the world’s oceans teeming with life, and seafood supplies safeguarded for this and future generations. Their mission is to use our ...
The Sea For Society is a FP7 MML (Mobilization and Mutual Learning) project that engages stakeholders, citizens and youth in an open and participatory dialogue to ...
SeaOrbiter, member of World Ocean Network, Projets to build a vessel which will open new ways of exploration, of research and education findings in deep ...