The Network’s first initiatives were implemented as part of a European Union-funded project, Oceanics. We are currently participating in another EU project, Ocean Literacy for All, which is establishing a coalition, EU4Ocean. This project is funded by the Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. We have also participated in 3 other projects: Sea For Society (from 2012 to 2015), Sea Change (from 2015 to 2018) and MARINA (from 2016 to 2019) funded by the Directorate General for Research and Innovation. We also collaborated with the EU’s Committee of the Regions to organise the Blue Planet Forum in November 2007.
Nausicaá, National Sea Centre, is one of the World Ocean Network’s founding members. Since the creation of the Network, we have worked closely with Nausicaá to develop our activities. In particular, Nausicaa provides the World Ocean Network’s international secretariat with offices at Nausicaa itself.
UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission has supported the World Ocean Network for many years, both in relation to our work on developing and promoting World Ocean Day and with our internet site. We are currently helping with preparations for the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.
As the founder of the Finisterrae Aquarium, the city of A Coruña, Spain, was one of the first founding members and active participants in the World Ocean Network, and remains an active member today.
The Global Ocean Forum (GOF) works with the World Ocean Network to raise awareness and educate citizens, in line with the policy guidelines developed by the Forum. Among the key dates for this work are the Ocean Days organised during the United Nation’s COP (Conference Of Parties) meetings on climate change and biodiversity. The World Ocean Network also participated in the Common Oceans project alongside the FAO and the GOF. Common Oceans aimed at strengthening governance capacities and policies in relation to the Ocean’s common resources.