Learning About Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction

The Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction Program (ABNJ) – often referred to as Common Oceans – is a broad-scale, innovative approach to achieve efficient and sustainable management of fisheries resources and biodiversity conservation in marine areas that do not fall under the responsibility of any one country.
To achieve this goal, the Program is comprised of four specific areas of work:

  • Sustainable management of tuna fisheries & biodiversity
  • Sustainable use of deep-sea living resources & biodiversity
  • Oceans Partnership for sustainable fisheries & biodiversity conservation
  • Strengthening global capacity to effectively manage ABNJ

As part of the GEF/FAO/GOF project on Strengthening Global Capacity to Effectively Manage Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ Capacity Project), the first issue of the ABNJ:LEARN Newsletter is now available. This newsletter will share information about the ABNJ Capacity Project and the GEF/FAO Common Oceans Program, as well as facilitate the transfer of knowledge, information, and best practices related to the management of areas beyond national jurisdiction to interested parties at the national, regional, and global levels.
This newsletter is produced in cooperation with the GEF’s IW:LEARN program, which brings together the experiences and lessons learned from GEF International Waters programs around the world.
The ABNJ Capacity Project is part of the GEF/FAO Program on Global Sustainable Fisheries Management and Biodiversity Conservation in the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (Common Oceans Program) initiated by GEF in 2012-2014, led by FAO and partners, with the support of a US$50 million GEF investment and US$220 million in co-financing contributions from many partner organizations.

Have a look at the first ABNJ : LEARN News !