The project Sea Change

Running from 2015 to 2018

Coordinator : Marine Biological Association (United-Kingdom)

Consortium : 17 Partners

Geographic Zone : 9 countries

The Sea Change project helped to establish a fundamental change in the way citizens view their relationship with the sea, by empowering them, as Ocean Literate citizens, to take direct and sustainable action for a healthy ocean, for healthy communities,
and ultimately for a healthy planet.. 

In this project the World Ocean Network was responsible for promoting World Ocean Day. We developed a toolbox to support the creation of activities on the theme of marine plastic pollution. The Network also mobilised two of its members, CeDePesca in Argentina and Nausicaa in France, to implement local activities promoting ‘Ocean Literacy’.

To stimulate an engagement for the Ocean, Nausicaa and its partners from the World Ocean Network Hauts de France (CAB, ARENA, CPIE Flandre Maritime, Association Mémoire Boulonnaise, Boulogne Développement), have created a playful tool for educational structures for the general public from 6 years old.

Using a giant dice, participants of all ages chose a game among 6 well known games : domino, memory, lotto, where is Waldo, snakes and ladders, puzzle. The goal is to explore, understand and reflect individuly or collectively on the benefits of the Ocean for Humans : The ocean is a source of food and medecine, leasure and well being, it connects humans on land and sea, supply oxygene, regulate the climate and is a part of the water cycle.