Provincie West Vlaanderen

World Ocean Day programme 2016

June 9th, 7.30 pm: Conference “a stomach full of waste”, or Plastic pollution in the North Sea.

Seas and therefore our North Sea are containing more and more plastic. Added to the visible plastic, scientists are founding micro plastics in the sand and the Ocean. These tiny plastics end up in planktons and finally in our food chain.
Colin Jansse, professor at Gand University, explain the impact of micro-plastic pollution.

July 7th: Family afternoon « jellyfish in the stomach ». Come to this wonderful afternoon, participate to some activities and discover how does jellyfish taste!

Partners associated to the event


​​​De Nachtegaal

Welcome to the Provincial Visitors and Nature Education Centre
Free entrancePermanent exhibition

for young and old
You can meet the living and not living nature elements of the sea, beach and dunes. Search ecological relations, dynamic and evolutions in nature.
Come in touch with the interesting way of life of organisms in various biotops.

Tempory exhibition

Twice a year there is e new temporary exhibition concerning nature or environment. Nature restoration, nature photography,…

Nature garden

Along the walking path you come by a dozen dune biotopes with their typical flora. So you walk along the with Marram grass covered foredunes, a giant parabolic dune, you walk through scrub vegetation, you discover a wet dune dip and you can enjoy for a while on
the pontoons at the large dune dip.

After walking, you can take a drink in our cafetaria of at our nice terrace. We offer local beers and fair trade products.

Opening hours(since 9 november 2015)
Tuesday to Sunday from 10 hours to 17 hours.

July, August, september, holidays and weekends
(from spring to Autumn holidays) up to 18 hours
Closed on Monday (groups on request), except during school holidays and on public holidays
Closed annually from 1 to 15 december and 25/12, 1/01 and 2/1.



Centre de visiteurs et d’éducation flamand De Nachtegaal
Olmendreef 2
8660 De Panne





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